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Professional Guides nationwide are figuring “it” out

While increasing, at an increasing pace, Guides nationwide are upgrading their boats to Smackdown Rod Holders at a frenetic pace. From California to Oklahoma to Texas to Virginia and all in between they have discovered more versatility and durability with Smackdown. Even the sturgeon, musky, and walleye Guides in Minnesota and Wisconsin are now on board.  Who knew!

Jeremiah Mefford’s Reel Good Time Guide Service on Keystone Lake, Oklahoma

The life of a Guide is not easy, contrary to what some may think.  Weather, difficult clients, cancellations, fish not showing up, the endless list of expenses and boat breakdowns and maintenance.  The list goes on.

One bright spot in the last 3 years has been the much better equipment, providing more options and choices in such positioning systems like Smackdown Rod Holders and MulTBar Rod Racks.

More production, as in more and/or larger fish caught, help take the edge off those daily challenges.  Guides produce better trips for their clients, resulting in rebookings, much better word-of-mouth, increased revenue and a much more efficient business. And in the end, those expenses are met easier.

It sure helps when companies like Smackdown help to support and promote those Guides who run their rod holders, making for more top-flight business opportunities.


Zack Rumple’s BZ Guide Service on Grand Lake, Oklahoma

While we will be diving in deep on the life of these Guides in upcoming articles and videos, check out just a few of these around the country:

No Wake Guide Service on Grand Lake, Oklahoma

Lance’s Guide Service on Grand Lake, Oklahoma

Captain Steve’s Adventures in Northern California

Reel Good Time Guide Service on Keystone Lake, Oklahoma

Nautical Pride Sport Fishing in Virginia

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Rod Holders, MulTBar Rod Racks, and or Rod Holder Bases