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So you think its pretty easy to reel in a fish?

Your daily workout, test of strength, your cardiovascular checkup. Whatever you want to call it, Tommy Vaughn with No Wake Guide Service provides it daily on Grand Lake, Oklahoma. Meat Hunter Rods Pro Staff Alyssa Raye Pesek with Jeremy Gregg hit the water with Tommy last weekend to feel the unexpected power of those Oklahoma spoonbills. Alyssa’s fully-charged emotion was on full display when those long-nosed fighters hit her Meat Hunter rod, anchored by Smackdown Rod Holders.

As Tommy has been Guiding full-time on Grand Lake for years, he even adds some intriguing education along the way on what these eat, how they live, and other historical information such as relationships. Yes the spoonbill is a cousin of the sturgeon, not catfish as some have believed. His Sea Ark boat is fully rigged out and can hold up to 10 customers per trip, making for an absolute blast for small and even large groups.

Be prepared for a physical outing. Even smaller spoonbill at 25-40 lbs put up a massive fight. Its a good thing Jeremy brought his Big Boy pants as that last spoonbill of the day was a Big Dog! Check it out, Outdoor Wicked Adventures make some wicked good videos.

Want an incredible (and adrenaline-filled) day on the water? Contact Tommy Vaughn at (918) 314-3923 or check out

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