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This Smackdown Tuesday Night LIVE may have offended some

In the most-viewed ever Smackdown Tuesday Night LIVE Show, with 3 special guests, some may have been uneasy with the subject. With manufacturers in the fishing business getting deluged with inquiries and offers to be a “Pro-Staff,” there were five Owners all discussing the challenges of “Promotional” or “Professional” Staff who not only promote products but also those who daily fill the in-box and voicemails of these Owners (and more) asking to be a part of these “staffs.”

Smackdown Owner and Co-host of Smackdown Tuesday Night LIVE Stacey Gaston and Co-host Chad Bryant added Meat Hunter Rod Owner Charles Crook, long-time Professional Guide Tommy Vaughn of No Wake Guide Service, and Kaleb Page, Co-Owner of Catch the Fever Rods.

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